This is ARABAD'S exclusive Zone in Sirdab; Ready for one deep dive?
Then, plunge eyes first into Zone's blown Creative Bubbles; let your Mind do the walkin'--Take your Time in this charming and insightful Discovery Journey through distinctive Communication...Sirdab Bubbles is a Free Play with Design, Life and Art; an opportunity thru this recollection of creative droplets, to produce a new Dynamic Mind and engage in mental & physical creative experiences. Enjoy the Surf..
Exclusive work for sale from, London-based illustrator Von, at Shopvon.
His work is heavily influenced by the world of music, fashion and design, it is executed with a seamless blend of traditional and digital mark making techniques. The result being striking & insightfull illustrations with subtle narratives and a delicate and ethereal quality.Since establishing Hellovon early 06, Von's work has been exhibited internationally including the London Design Museum; his clients lists includes Ad agency Ogilvy & Mather, Dazed & Confused magazine, Wallpaper, The NY Times, the Guardian...
The featured collage image is ArabAd illustration cover for its December issue covering Kuwait media scene. It is inspired from the mushrooming of local dailies/ newspapers in Kuwait; a handmade collage from real newspapers to format the map of Kuwait. There is no Photoshop work here; it is back to basics, hand work made image by Waleed Shaalan (Architect, Principal Designer & Managing Partner) of BrainStorm agency in Kuwait for ArabAd magazine.
The conceptual modification of national flags recuring in graphic design is understood to be a quite novel approach. In 1960, Earthday organiser replaced the American stars with the ecology symbol; then Vietnam anti-war activists altered it with the peace sign. Thereafter, Vancouver based anti-consumerist magazine Adbusters inserted corporate logos in place of the 51 flags and since then has been challenging advertising it perceives as harmful - by subverting it; such play with corporate identities to graph social issues has been very significant lately, among the design community and in Adbusters raison d'être in particular.
Will be posting more of such as soon as we relocate them from the heart of d hard disk - Stay tuned!
Sample of visual reactions of artists and designers from Turkey towards the situation in the Middle East since July 2006. View More from"low res reaksiyon" a NOMAD initiative