Haven't we had enough? Democrats '08.

Multiple-award-winning ad exec Rich Silverstein of Goodby, Silverstein, and Partners creator of the "Got Milk?" campaign and the Budweiser frogs, partnered with The Huffington Post to create a poster series for the democratic party.
The posters really speak for themselves, as the typographic layout conjures up powerful images and associations no one could have missed out on.

When Arianna Huffington asked Silverstein to blog about his ideas, he said that since he usually expresses himself best in visual terms, he wanted to see if he could "blog visually."

Featured are the outcome of Silverstein juicy witty brain: three powerful posters.
"Here is my thinking," Silverstein explained. "What if we could TiVo the last six-plus years and play them back - without comment -- for the American people, and let them connect the dots? It's not a pretty picture."
Silverstein's take away message is uncluttered and direct:
"Haven't we had enough? Democrats '08."

Moreover, people were invited to rewrite the posters by adding to the names, events, and slogans in relation to what is suggested in these visuals.

Ideally, said Rich, "the final versions might be three feet long. Given the outrages of the last six-plus years, even that might not be long enough."

Haven't the Democrats won the elections battle already?
Well, with such a mind-blowing communication, I say to the American President, you'd better run away or die...

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