Described as one of the five "best-read national conservative bloggers", Michelle Malkin, columnist, author, and Fox News contributor is frequently used as an example of the blurred line between bloggers and reporters. But this post isn't about her personally, rather about a funny initiative she took last year.
Back in November 07, when Arianna Huffington in association with GMM Rich Silverstein (the man behind the infamous 'Got Milk' ads who we nickname got milk man) launched The HufPo 'Posterizing the Modern GOP' project, Michell Malkin was obviously laughing.
The HuffPo project, aimed at "graphically capturing the lunacy of the Bush years," asked the blog readers to contribute by adding names, events, and slogans to Silverstein original Posters' design.
Malkin went on parodying the Huffington Post’s, 'Michelle style' as to say the least, as she launched with her own graphic art contest “Posterizing the Democrat Party.”
The result is interesting and proves once again that Design does matter!
Check the shortlisted posters on Malkin's blog and the see for yourself how they manage to graph socio-political points, each one his own way and tone.
Or buy the original stuff. 50 bucks for each poster; a silkscreen limited edition is also available, signed by Arianna Huffington herself, mind you!
Meanwhile, here in Lebanon, we should launch a similar graphic project to tackle the Lahoud bloody years or Aoun's wicked presidential ambitions. The list is unlimited as much as their apetite for power (was) is!!
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